Filmed in South Africa and finished in New York City at Gramercy Park Studios, editor Vee Pinot and I were on-set editing and compositing during production. Director Joffrey Jans was at the helm for this production which featured traditional camera techniques that seamlessly marry into/out of motion control moves.
creative director
senior creative art director
senior creative copy writer
executive producer
production company
local production company
executive producer
director of photography
director of motion control
post production house
creative director
visual effects supervisor
visual effects artist
Thomas Smith
Betsy Appling
Leslie James
Pete Scudese
Mckenzie Rudolphe
Joffrey Jans
Mary Jane Church
Michael Cleary
Peter Constan-Tatos
Gramercy Park Studios
Ders Hallgren
Suzanne Potashnick
Vee Pinot
Peter Amante
Peter Amante
The nature of this spot required us to shoot the talent on green screen in chronological order. The trick was to line up the talent to the moco move so the cuts between shots would line up exactly. To add to the complexity, the intro and end shots were free hand camera moves.
During post the shots were finessed to further align the cuts. Liquid, water level and bubbles were added/created in Flame. CG labels were then applied. Color correction and relighting were added in Flame to marry the green screen composites.